And that’s all it is about, end of the day: It feels incredibly good and rewarding to succeed at something difficult. That’s like vitamins to me, being able to improve in order to do better and bigger things, and take on harder and more rewarding games. Now the game is challenging and it takes true skill and understanding the rules of the game, using them to your advantage while working within their boundaries, to succeed. Now, take these arbitrary sets of rules with win and loss conditions that we design, that we call games, and we make them more and more demanding, and we end up with more and more engaging games, games that ask more skill from you, that ask more wit from you, that ask more from you, period, and you have to become better to succeed. You know how we look at ravens and crows do things explicitly for fun and we think “aThe first well known version of it is Mafia, from 1986, but Hidden Role games are in fact very old! Few things are more human, more creative, more beautiful than games, because we made those with the express intent of having fun and helping others have fun. Board games, card games, made up games, video games, logic games, I just sincerely love the idea that one person or a group of people can gather, establish an arbitrary set of rules with a win condition, and then just spend hours enjoying themselves with this.

Games, in general, are my favorite thing in the world.